Mud, mud, and more mud!

This morning I decided to be a less obsessive mom and told the girls they could play in the mud. (After the torrential rain and hail storms we had yesterday, our yard is abounding in mud.) Abby started laughing and said, "Mom, are you joking?!" I guess that means I don't let my kids get dirty often enough. I assured them that I meant it, and they could get as dirty as they wanted...such excitement followed! They just couldn't wait to really get dirty, and boy did they! It was so fun to watch, though, and the screaming in the shower afterward was even worth the fun.

So cute, even when dirty!


nora.lakehurst said...

I think that is so funny. I love it

Kimmy said...

that is awesome! I loved playing in the mud as a kid, I don't know why I never let my kids do it!!!!

Jake and Shell said...

Why am I not suprised that Brynn is WAY dirtier than Abby??? So fun and so cute (yes, even when covered in mud) :)

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

You are the best Mom and such a fun one to let the girls play in the mud next year Ivy will join them.