The big Wal-Mart excursion

One of the things I was most worried about in having 3 kids under age 5 was going to the grocery store. Abby isn't a problem, but Brynn is our "wanderer". She has always been relegated to the shopping cart, until now...With 2 kids in the cart, there just isn't room for groceries! (Even if I could fit a few groceries in around Brynn, she has been known to sit on the bread, squash the bag of chips, try eating the bananas, etc. It's just not worth the risk!) But, letting her roam free in Wal-Mart is also not a positive alternative...She's fast! (I can run faster now than when I was pregnant, but I shouldn't have to!) So, I finally broke down and bought a "leash".

Before I had kids, whenever I would see a child on a leash I thought it was a bit extreme. But, my perspective has definitely changed with Brynn! And, the leash was definitely a great purchase! We ventured out for the first time alone yesterday, and it went much better than expected. Brynn actually enjoyed her leash and stayed right by me, not even having a tantrum until the checkstand. (I pulled her back when she started trying to wander, and she said in frustration, "Mom, you pulled my tail!" The nearby checkers started laughing and thought she was pretty entertaining.) And, Ivy didn't even wake up until the checkstand. Success! I'm sure that not all shopping trips will go this smoothly, but it is a blessing to have a good first experience so that I will even be willing to try another time!


DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

I think a leash is a great way to keep your child safe.I think we all change our minds on things the more children we have.I am proud that you took all three of the girls shopping. I am looking forward to seeing Ivy.

Carrie said...

But it's a very stylish leash...:)

Los Smith said...

I remember using it on Melanie, she was quite the wanderer too and it freaked me out..I'm all for the cute leash :)

Matt said...

Rebecca is quite sure that James has consistently poked fun at parents with leashes on their kids. Something about not being able to control them....? I can't vouch for sure, just passing information. :)

Personally, I think it is a GREAT idea, and it looks like just the thing a big sister would love to do -- pull on a little sister's tail.

Amy and Ethan said...

I love the leash -- I think those are such a great idea. --- By the way, Happy Birthday Today!!!!

The Bell Family said...

I say if your outnumbered, your completely entitled to do whatever you want to do! :)

Camilla said...

When I went to Walmart a few weeks after Jonathan was born, completely frazzled, I was getting out of the car, hoping everything would turn out okay for my quick run, when I saw this mother of three getting her kids out of the car. She had what seemed like a 4-yr old, a 2-yr old and a newborn, and I was in AWE, I tell you, AWE! So let me tell you, you are completely amazing.

nora.lakehurst said...

HOLY COW! You have three girls?!? Goodness ok so I had no idea. Seriously I feel so left out. JK anyways oh this is your cuz karla. :D come visit my site. Lubs