best daddy!

I just wanted to show what a cute husband I have! He has adapted well to being the only boy in the house and is very willing to play barbies, dress up, tea party (as seen in the pictures), or whatever else the girls want him to do. We are lucky girls!

(I'm hoping for the day when they start holding a father-daughter campout. They'd love it!)


DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

Great tea party Elder kemple has had many tea party's over the years and has really been good to go along with everything.

Kimmy said...

He and Dan could probably hold a great conversation about all things "princess"...and actually KNOW what the other is talking about! We love having all girls!!! And our girls are pretty lucky to have some great daddys!

Carrie said...

That's so funny. What a good daddy. I'm sure he could teach us a thing or two about Disney princesses. :)