My Musical Girls

I'm so proud of myself...I now have 2 daughters who love broadway showtunes! It is so nice to have the complete influence over what they like and listen to (we're definitely not ready for teenagers yet). So, I've been exposing them to the joys of Broadway. Success! Our current favorites are "Into the Woods" and "Wicked", which is coming to town this Spring (my fingers are crossed that it won't cost a fortune because I'm dying to go!). It is so cute to hear a 3 year old and 2 year old try to sing along phoenetically and actually come pretty close. What fun little girls are!

It's wonderful having a car with a CD player and a tolerant husband who will even listen to broadway with us when he's in the car! What a great guy.

**Another note: Thanks to a great public library, I've also been exposing my girls to the entertainment of my past. They have spent the past week watching "Duck Tales" for their morning show...ah, memories. (I can still sing the song along with them!)


Jake and Shell said...

"Duck Tales..a-wooo-oooh" :) I guess we should have gotten Carson in to showtunes instead of "Ozzy"...thanks Jake! :)

Kimmy said...

my girls LOVE Wicked! In fact, they now beg to listen to "showtoon" Sat. night on 106.5, to hear all of the musicals. Crazy!

Brooke said...

Showtunes are a family hit with us too. I love to listen to them singing "Defying Gravity." I'm so bummed because I heard that Wicked does cost a FORTUNE to see in SLC, but I haven't checked myself yet. We'll have to try Into the Woods; I haven't listened to that in forever, but I love the music. My kids are currently into the Wizard of Oz.