For those who haven't already heard the story, we had an interesting Saturday morning. Brynn and Abby were eating snacks and watching a show while I was in the kitchen (probably snacking myself!). Suddenly Brynn started crying. I went to ask what was wrong (since Abby wasn't obviously doing anything to her), and she said that she had stuck a craisin up her nose. I thought it was fairly funny at first, until I couldn't find the thing! First we tried blowing it out, but 2-year-olds just can't blow that hard. Our next attempt was to tweeze it out, which sent Brynn into hysterics. Then, my bright idea was to try to suck it out with a baby nose sucker (an aspirator?). However, I threw all of mine away a while ago since they tend to get nasty and I knew I'd get a new one with the new baby next month anyway. So, I called neighbor after neighbor (apparently not many are home in our neighborhood during the BYU game) until we finally tracked one down (thanks Krisanda and Jeff). That also didn't work and only made Brynn even more upset.
We weren't sure if we should just wait and see (James's idea) or take her to the instacare (my idea). But, after a sweet blessing and reading about all of the possible infection problems on the internet (already adding to my worry), I got my way. (Thanks, James.)
They were super nice at the instacare and assured me that this happens often (since I felt a bit stupid). After a thorough examination and several varied attempts, the doctor wasn't able to find it, either! She thinks that Brynn was so upset that she just inhaled it all the way down the back of her throat. Oh, well. At least we tried to do the right thing! I'm still convinced that my copay is worth the peace of mind, and Brynn was pretty excited to get a sticker and sucker out of the deal. Thank goodness for health insurance!
Our Little Helpers
Our cute girls just can't wait to be big enough to help daddy in the yard! We had one last mow/yard clean-up before the snow and cold arrived. I just love the fall...It never seems to last long enough, though we really were blessed this year to have such beautiful weather past Halloween. On to Thanksgiving!
Happy Halloween (and sugar overload!)
Our girls were the first to start boogy-ing!
We came home, relaxed for a bit, then headed back out for our ward's "trunk or treat". It was a big success, though I underplanned on the amount of candy, as usual. We had to close up shop before everyone had gone through...we couldn't regift ALL of the girls' candy! =)At the "trunk-or-treat"
Then, we parked back at home and headed out for a bit more trick or treating, this time to actual doors. (We couldn't convince Abby that trick or treating to cars was as good as the real thing, so we tried to find neighbors that we didn't already hit up at the trunk or treat.) It was a beautiful, warm night, and the girls didn't even have to wear jackets to cover up their cute fairy costumes. We all went to bed with sugar overload (and Lisa and Brynn with upset stomachs), but I think it was worth it!