out with the old...

Well, after years and years, this was finally the year to get new family room couches. (One of my dreams has finally come true!) So, here's one last look for those of you who had the pleasure of sitting on our beauty.

I'm a bit embarrassed at how attached I can get to objects, though! I guess when you keep things for as long as we do, you associate moments in time with them. We bought this couch from Jake when we were still young and childless and in our one bedroom apartment. And, it was a nice couch back then! Now, when I look at it and I see the signs of our children: marker stains, little holes, saggy cushions, it evokes so many feelings. All this from a couch! I guess one comfort is that I know my kids will put their "marks" on my new couches as well. Wait, is that a comfort?!

By the way, thank goodness for ksl.com...Both couches were gone within a few hours of posting them!


Jake and Shell said...

You are too cute! Once the new couches are in you'll forget ALL about the old ones. Congrats again!!

Matt Bettilyon said...

I feel like a part of me has been sliced away, have spent time on the couches and always been comfortable. I hope you are able to get along...(sigh)...SOMEHOW....without them. =)

So we didn't see a picture of the new couch, though?

Hope you guys are doing good!