6 months...

Ivy just turned 6 months old yesterday...wow, these past few months have been a whirlwind! It's amazing how, when a new little one joins the family, it's hard to imagine life without them. Ivy is such a blessing to our home...Abby and Brynn just can't get enough of her: it is so sweet!

Still a little baby in a big chair! Ivy loves baby food (except for green beans...not much of a surprise).

Hanging out in the saucer...

Look at the size of that mouth! She is definitely teething.

Ivy is so happy to be a "big girl" in a big girl chair. So cute!


Last weekend we attended the open house of the new Ocquirrh Mountain Temple with my parents and "uncle" David. It was a beautiful day and a neat experience to be there together as a family. The temple was just beautiful...we are so blessed to have a temple so close. (I was too worried about the kids behaving that we weren't able to get any pictures of our family. But, at least James got one of the temple.)

We did get some pictures of the girls later in the backyard with our gorgeous roses. (It is exciting to actually find something that thrives in our yard!)

Abby, stopping to smell the roses.

Ivy, stopping to touch the roses.

Brynn, stopping to destroy the roses. =)

And, last but not least, my handsome husband. Am I lucky or what?!

Truman Madsen

Since hearing about the passing of Truman Madsen this week, I have been thinking a lot about his impact on my own life. We have always loved his books and talks, particularly on Joseph Smith and other prophets. He gave a spectacular talk about the temple with his wife at a BYU Women's Conference when I was on my mission. My mom mailed me a recording in France, and I felt such a spirit when I listened to it. (I still remember passing it around to other sisters in the mission...we all reaped the benefits of my thoughtful mom!)

When I was 21 at BYU and decided to serve a mission, Brother Madsen was my stake president (with Wendy Watson, now Nelson, as our stake relief society president...talk about spoiled!). He gave me my first temple recommend interview, and it was such a humbling, enlightening, incredible interview. I have felt a special love for him ever since. What a great man and servant of the Lord.